Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yes You Can.

Reading an article on "The Atlantic" on "Why Women Still Can't Have it All," ( ) I was baffled.  Our women ancestors have fought hard for equality and we have come to a point in our lives where given the same circumstances between a man and a woman: they are equal.  Yet I still read articles about women complaining that they don't make enough money, or they don't have enough time in the day to take care of their children.  And my favorite is the complaint of losing their liberties because their children are taking it away from them.

We have been told time and time again that children are the one thing that will make us allhappy.  but is that really the case?  There are many people who love children and don't complain about it, like my mother.  But then there are those women who have children, for whatever reason, and still complain that they want their time, the dreams, their freedom.  But when someone chooses to have children, there is an inherent responsibility that comes with it.  You are no longer the most important in your life.  Your child becomes the most important person in your life.  So why complain?

This lady, Annie-Marie Slaughter describes her successes in the work place, yet has lost control of her 14-year-old son.  She describes on one hand how she had a dream job working for the department of state, but her son was falling into a pattern of mischief at his middle school.  She made the choice to leaver her post and take care of her son leaving her to prompt the question of women having it all.

Tom Leykis made it plain and simple, "If you want to have it all, then don't have kids."

I have a similar take on it, but I will elaborate to better understand my opinion in this matter.  Having children again means that your freedom comes second to the responsibility.  It goes both ways for men and women.  In that sense, we are all equal.  Both men and women have the choice to have children or to have a career.  Just because the woman carries the baby in their body does not take away from the fact that a man can also make the choice to have a kid.  Given those circumstances, I believe that both men and women have to choose whether they want the career or the child.  And if you choose to have both, there are consequences that both parties must face because a child is the biggest responsibility that an adult can take.

I say stop making it an issue about sex, because that's caveman talk.  It's an issue simply of what you want most and what you are willing to sacrifice.  Women tend to bitch and complain about having too much work and not enough time with the kids.  Men on the other hand understand the consequences and take their own risk.  Maybe it's time us women own up to our choices and stop complaining about them.  In the end, you birth the baby, so maybe you should let someone else who has the time handle the big jobs.

I won't have kids because I want to be accessible to my employer whenever needed.  I choose not to have kids because I don't want to end up picking between my job and my kids.  If I have kids and I am forced to choose them over my dreams, I will hate my choice to have them, which is not fair to them.

To Anne-Marie: you made your bed, now lay in it.  If you wanted to be a successful individual, then maybe you should of thought about having kids a little more carefully as there is a risk with every choice we make in this world.

To Tom Leykis: thank you for the great article.  You're on point and women make it way too easy for you to pick on them.  Fucking bitches.

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