Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy birthday America.

My fourth of July was pretty awesome.  I went to a friend's house to watch a fireworks show because what's more American than fireworks on your country's birthday.  But fireworks are more than just pretty lights exploding in the sky.  They're a symbol.  A symbol for the beginning of a dominant nation kicking the British's arses during the American Revolution.  A symbol for the bad-ass contract these forefathers wrote to declare our independence.  Because of these gentlemen, I live in a world where I can declare that I am an atheist that smoke pot and will never marry.  Now if this is true or not is completely irrelevant, but the fact that I can make that statement is completely connected to the fireworks I saw today. 

In my neighborhood I still here and see the fireworks.  I love America.  I love being a fucking social liberal and fiscal conservative.  I love my president, my army, my Congress, and my Supreme Court.  I love my constitution.  And I love my unalienable rights that I was born with because I was born in this country.  I normally go against the wind, but today I am proud to be an American. 

I even ate Krispy Kreme today, which I never do, in honor of America.  As a Mexican-American, I can be bitter about the land that was taken from our country, but I can't hate because I was born here and regardless of these white people, this is my country, this is my land, and this is my freedom.

Happy fourth of July.  Happy birthday again America.  I'll make sure to light up a big one just for you on your special day. 

"This is America."

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