Since I consider this my way of sharing with the world, I wanted to share some things that just came to me.
I've been listening to The Tom Leykis Show and he's currently talking about the economy. He believes that after the elections, the economy will go down and unemployment will rise again. And that we need to prepare for the absolute worst. Tom Leykis was right when the real-estate bubble burst and the banks collapsed, so he will more than likely be right about this as well.
So what does that mean for the rest of us? This means that we must conserve and protect our assets as much as we can because we don't really know our future. I have always been a non-believer in the idea of corporations being the answer to all of our problems. This belief came when my dad was stabbed in the back by the company he once worked in for over 35 years. Out of nowhere they decided to move the factory to China and ay off all of its employees. I won't mention the company, but I will say that it was a precursor to what many companies would be doing and are currently doing now. It's happening in many industries. These companies that are "too big to fail" cut costs by downsizing their employment numbers and making their works take all of the grunt work that was left behind in order to continue making money for the individuals that actually don't do anything except make bad decisions and lose more money.
But this is also the way that it is because of the people. We the people of the United States, in order to try to form a more perfect union, have given these companies free reign to consume us all because we believed that they had out best interests at heart when in reality they were all fucking us in ass and taking our money. We let this happen, and for many reasons. We saw how much money they were making and we said to ourselves, "Hey, I can make that too! It's the American Dream!" We were also brainwashed by ALL media to believe that it's patriotic to buy McDonalds and subsidize the tobacco industry. And we all saw how easy it was for the Kardashians to become rich and famous by simply sitting on their fat-asses and watching the fattest one get fucked and pissed on by a black man, and having the mother sell the tape for profit and fame. We've become dependent on all of this and we are unwilling to actually work hard and become the country we were meant to be: great. We don't have enough people for the engineering, technological jobs and hire people from overseas. Why? Because we don't want to go to school. We are just so lazy. And we think we're the bet, which then makes us think that we have it all when we actually don't. We have stupid people everywhere, and I for one am sick and tired of hearing people complain. Complain about their jobs, complain about their marriages, complain about their fucking cars, complain about their fucking weight. Yet they do the same shit every fucking day. They don't change, and they don't see progress.
I know I am all over the place, but I am just done. I will work hard everyday so I won't end up like a fucking loser. I don't want to work for anyone except myself. I want to earn every fucking penny and be selfish for everything that I do. I believe that we can one day be the great country we were destined to be. It's all a simple matter of switching gears from taking taking taking to providing, contributing, and succeeding. Until that happens, we will continue to flush ourselves down the shitter.
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