Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Netflix: Lost.

I just wrote an entrance monologue that got deleted by my computer.  I was saying how much I hate tv and love my computer, but not so much at the moment.

Well I hate the tv.  I do enjoy many shows, but they come out once a week.  During the times when my favorite show is not on, it's all reality tv or re-runs, with bleeps because of the FCC.  I fucking hate the FCC.  So I've invested in a subscription to Netflix.  It gives you so many options, including tv shows and movies.  I am currently watching the entire Lost series. 

I watched Lost when it was on the network tv, but I never watched it from the beginning.  When it ended there was a lot of brouhaha over the ending because so many questions were not answered.  I watched the first episode and it instantly connected to me that they were dead from the very beginning, and everything that happened did so because anything can happened at any point.  It was an interpretation of death, and this is just another example of shit that we don't know. 

I think once I get my hear wrapped around the concept, I may be able to give you a perspective.  But Lost is on, and I am watching the entire series from beginning to end in hopes of finding out more information that I missed when I first watched it.  I also would prefer to watch this shit than the Olympics. I really hate that I can't watch them in the morning.  NBC is full of shit. 

As of right now, I would recommend Lost.  It won't be the only thing I watch and I hope to share with you some of the great movies that have a home on Netflix.  Shit you have not hear of that might be of interest to you. 

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